Davinah ze

Země Qwannabe

about Davinah ze Země Qwannabe

Introducing Davinah ze Země Qwannabe, a distinguished and pedigreed canine of remarkable caliber. This prestigious dog embodies elegance, intelligence, and a natural flair for excellence. With a name that resonates with prestige, Davinah exudes an aura of distinction that captivates all who encounter her.

Currently offered for sale at an asking price of $11,000, Davinah represents an investment in both companionship and potential. As she continues to undergo further training, her intrinsic value only amplifies, promising an exceptional return on investment for discerning owners who seek the epitome of canine sophistication.

Davinah’s impressive titles, including BH, serve as a testament to her innate abilities and the dedication poured into her development. These accolades underscore her readiness to excel in various domains, whether it be as a loyal companion, a competitive performer, or a distinguished member of the breeding community.

Stay tuned for forthcoming videos that will showcase Davinah’s remarkable skills and presence, allowing prospective owners to witness firsthand the magnificence of this illustrious canine. As her training progresses and her capabilities continue to shine, her price is poised to reflect the true value of acquiring such an esteemed companion. Seize the opportunity to welcome Davinah ze Země Qwannabe into your life, and embark on a journey of unparalleled companionship and achievement.

K9 Stats






1 year

pedigree number

CMKU DS/134276/22

BRed in